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2.7 Building Chatbots with LangChain

This chapter delves into the construction and optimization of conversational chatbots using LangChain, a tool designed for integrating language models with data retrieval systems to enable dynamic question answering capabilities. It targets ML Engineers, Data Scientists, Software Developers, and related professionals, offering a comprehensive guide on developing chatbots capable of managing follow-up questions and maintaining contextual conversations. The chapter is structured to cover foundational concepts, delve into specific tools and methodologies, and conclude with best practices and examples to solidify understanding.

Introduction to Conversational Chatbots

Conversational chatbots have revolutionized the way we interact with technology, offering new avenues for accessing and processing information through natural language dialogue. Unlike traditional chatbots, conversational chatbots can understand and remember the context of a conversation, allowing for more natural and engaging interactions.

Setting Up the Environment

Environment Variables and Platform Setup

Before delving into chatbot development, it's crucial to configure the working environment. This includes loading necessary environment variables and ensuring the platform is adequately set up to support the development process. Turning on the platform from the beginning allows developers to monitor the system's inner workings, facilitating debugging and optimization.

Loading Documents and Creating a Vector Store

The initial steps involve loading documents from various sources using LangChain's document loaders, which support over 80 different formats. Once documents are loaded, they are split into manageable chunks. These chunks are then converted into embeddings and stored in a vector store, enabling semantic search capabilities.

Advanced Retrieval Techniques

After setting up the vector store, the focus shifts to retrieval methods. This section explores various advanced retrieval algorithms that enhance the chatbot's ability to understand and respond to queries accurately. Techniques such as self-query, compression, and semantic search are discussed, highlighting their modular nature and how they can be integrated into the chatbot framework.

Conversational Context and Memory

Incorporating Chat History

One of the key advancements in conversational chatbots is the ability to incorporate chat history into the response generation process. This capability allows the chatbot to maintain context over the course of a conversation, enabling it to understand and respond to follow-up questions accurately.

Conversation Buffer Memory

Implementing conversation buffer memory involves maintaining a list of previous chat messages and passing these along with new questions to the chatbot. This section provides step-by-step instructions on setting up conversation buffer memory, including specifying memory keys and handling chat histories as lists of messages.

Building the Conversational Retrieval Chain

The conversational retrieval chain represents the core of the chatbot's functionality. It integrates the language model, the retrieval system, and memory to process and respond to user queries within the context of an ongoing conversation. This section details the construction of the conversational retrieval chain, including how to pass in the language model, the retriever, and memory components.

Environment Setup and API Key Configuration

Firstly, it's essential to set up the environment correctly and securely handle API keys, which are crucial for accessing cloud-based LLM services such as OpenAI's GPT models.

# Import necessary libraries for environment management and API access
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv

# Ensure Panel for GUI is properly imported and initialized for interactive applications
import panel as pn

# Load .env file to securely access environment variables, including the OpenAI API key
_ = load_dotenv(find_dotenv())

# Assign the OpenAI API key from environment variables to authenticate API requests
openai.api_key = os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY']

Selecting the Appropriate Language Model Version

# Import the datetime library to manage date-based logic for model selection
import datetime

# Determine the current date to decide on the language model version
current_date =

# Choose the language model version
language_model_version = "gpt-3.5-turbo"

# Display the selected language model version

Q&A System Setup

# Import necessary libraries for handling embeddings and vector stores
from langchain.vectorstores import Chroma
from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings

# Setting up environment variables for LangChain API access
# Note: Replace 'your_directory_path' with the actual directory path where you intend to store document embeddings
# and 'your_api_key' with your actual LangChain API key for authentication
persist_directory = 'your_directory_path/'
embedding_function = OpenAIEmbeddings()
vector_database = Chroma(persist_directory=persist_directory, embedding_function=embedding_function)

# Define a question for which you want to find relevant documents
search_question = "What are the key subjects covered in this course?"
# Perform a similarity search to find the top 3 documents related to the question
top_documents = vector_database.similarity_search(search_question, k=3)

# Determine the number of documents found
number_of_documents = len(top_documents)
print(f"Number of relevant documents found: {number_of_documents}")

# Import the Chat model from LangChain for generating responses
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI

# Initialize the Language Model for chat, setting the model's temperature to 0 for deterministic responses
language_model = ChatOpenAI(model_name='gpt-3.5-turbo', temperature=0)  # Ensure to replace 'gpt-3.5-turbo' with your model

# Example of generating a simple greeting response
greeting_response = language_model.predict("Greetings, universe!")

# Building a prompt template for structured question answering
from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate

# Define a template that instructs how to use the given context to provide a concise and helpful answer
prompt_template = """
Use the following pieces of context to answer the question at the end. If you're unsure about the answer, indicate so rather than speculating. 
Try to keep your response within three sentences for clarity and conciseness. 
End your answer with "thanks for asking!" to maintain a polite tone.

Context: {context}
Question: {question}
Helpful Answer:

# Initialize a PromptTemplate object with specified input variables and the defined template
qa_prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["context", "question"], template=prompt_template)

# Running the conversational retrieval and question-answering chain
from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA

# Define a specific question to be answered within the conversational context
specific_question = "Does this course require understanding of probability?"

# Initialize the QA Chain with the language model, vector database as a retriever, and the custom prompt template
qa_chain = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(language_model,
                                       chain_type_kwargs={"prompt": qa_prompt_template})

# Execute the QA Chain with the specific question to obtain a structured and helpful answer
qa_result = qa_chain({"query": specific_question})

# Print the resulting answer from the QA Chain
print("Resulting Answer:", qa_result["result"])

Implementing a Conversational Retrieval Chain with Memory in Q+A Systems

This section of the guidebook is dedicated to ML Engineers, Data Scientists, and Software Developers interested in developing advanced Q+A systems capable of understanding and maintaining the context of a conversation. The focus here is on integrating a Conversational Retrieval Chain with a memory component using the LangChain library, a powerful tool for building conversational AI applications.

Setting Up Memory for Conversation History

To enable our Q+A system to remember the context of a conversation, we utilize the ConversationBufferMemory class. This class is specifically designed to store the history of interactions, allowing the system to reference previous exchanges and provide contextually relevant responses to follow-up questions.

# Import the ConversationBufferMemory class from the langchain.memory module
from langchain.memory import ConversationBufferMemory

# Initialize the ConversationBufferMemory with a key for storing chat history
# and configure it to return the full list of messages exchanged during the conversation
conversation_history_memory = ConversationBufferMemory(

Building the Conversational Retrieval Chain

With the memory component set up, the next step involves constructing the Conversational Retrieval Chain. This component is the heart of the Q+A system, integrating the language model, document retrieval functionality, and conversation memory to process questions and generate answers within a conversational context.

# Import the ConversationalRetrievalChain class from the langchain.chains module
from langchain.chains import ConversationalRetrievalChain

# Assuming 'vector_database' is an initialized instance of a vector store used for document retrieval
# Convert the vector database to a retriever format compatible with the ConversationalRetrievalChain
document_retriever = vector_database.as_retriever()

# Initialize the ConversationalRetrievalChain with the language model, document retriever,
# and the conversation history memory component
question_answering_chain = ConversationalRetrievalChain.from_llm(

Handling Questions and Generating Answers

Once the Conversational Retrieval Chain is established, the system can handle incoming questions and generate appropriate answers by leveraging the stored conversation history for context.

# Define a question related to the conversation topic
initial_question = "Is probability a fundamental topic in this course?"
# Process the question through the Conversational Retrieval Chain
initial_result = question_answering_chain({"question": initial_question})
# Extract and print the answer from the result
print("Answer:", initial_result['answer'])

# Following up with another question, building upon the context of the initial question
follow_up_question = "Why are those topics considered prerequisites?"
# Process the follow-up question, using the conversation history for context
follow_up_result = question_answering_chain({"question": follow_up_question})
# Extract and print the follow-up answer
print("Answer:", follow_up_result['answer'])

Creating a Chatbot for Document-Based Q&A

This chapter provides a comprehensive guide on developing a chatbot capable of handling questions and answers (Q&A) based on the content of documents. Aimed at ML Engineers, Data Scientists, Software Developers, and related professionals, this section covers the process from document loading to implementing a conversational retrieval chain. The following instructions and code snippets are designed to ensure clarity, enhance readability, and provide practical guidance for building an effective chatbot using LangChain.

Initial Setup and Imports

Before diving into the chatbot creation process, it's crucial to import the necessary classes and modules from LangChain. These components facilitate document loading, text splitting, embedding generation, and conversational chain creation.

# Import classes for embedding generation, text splitting, in-memory search, document loading, 
# conversational chains, and memory handling from LangChain
from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
from langchain.vectorstores import DocArrayInMemorySearch
from langchain.document_loaders import TextLoader, PyPDFLoader
from langchain.chains import ConversationalRetrievalChain
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI

Document Loading and Processing

The first step in creating a chatbot is to load and process the documents that will serve as the knowledge base for answering questions. This involves reading documents, splitting them into manageable chunks, and generating embeddings for each chunk.

def load_documents_and_prepare_database(file_path, chain_type, top_k_results):
    Loads documents from a specified file, splits them into manageable chunks,
    generates embeddings, and prepares a vector database for retrieval.

    - file_path: Path to the document file (PDF, text, etc.).
    - chain_type: Specifies the type of conversational chain to be used.
    - top_k_results: Number of top results to retrieve in searches.

    - A conversational retrieval chain instance ready for answering questions.
    # Load documents using the appropriate loader based on file type
    document_loader = PyPDFLoader(file_path)
    documents = document_loader.load()

    # Split documents into chunks for easier processing and retrieval
    text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=150)
    document_chunks = text_splitter.split_documents(documents)

    # Generate embeddings for each document chunk
    embeddings_generator = OpenAIEmbeddings()
    vector_database = DocArrayInMemorySearch.from_documents(document_chunks, embeddings_generator)

    # Prepare the document retriever for the conversational chain
    document_retriever = vector_database.as_retriever(search_type="similarity", search_kwargs={"k": top_k_results})

    # Initialize the conversational retrieval chain with the specified parameters
    chatbot_chain = ConversationalRetrievalChain.from_llm(
        llm=ChatOpenAI(model_name='gpt-3.5-turbo', temperature=0), 

    return chatbot_chain

Creating chatbot

Importing Necessary Libraries

First, ensure the necessary libraries are imported. Panel (pn) is used for building the user interface, and Param (param) manages parameters within our chatbot class.

import panel as pn
import param

Defining the Chatbot Class

The chatbot class, here named DocumentBasedChatbot, encapsulates all the functionality needed to load documents, process queries, and maintain a conversation history.

class DocumentBasedChatbot(param.Parameterized):
    conversation_history = param.List([])  # To store pairs of query and response
    current_answer = param.String("")      # The chatbot's latest response
    database_query = param.String("")      # The query sent to the document database
    database_response = param.List([])     # The documents retrieved as responses

    def __init__(self, **params):
        super(DocumentBasedChatbot, self).__init__(**params)
        self.interface_elements = []  # Stores UI elements for displaying conversation
        self.loaded_document = "docs/cs229_lectures/MachineLearning-Lecture01.pdf"  # Default document
        self.chatbot_model = load_db(self.loaded_document, "retrieval_type", 4)  # Initialize chatbot model

Loading Documents

The load_db function loads documents into the chatbot's knowledge base. The function checks for a user-uploaded file; if none is found, it uses a default document. Upon loading a new document, the conversation history is cleared.

    def load_document(self, upload_count):
        if upload_count == 0 or not file_input.value:  # Check if a new file is uploaded
            return pn.pane.Markdown(f"Loaded Document: {self.loaded_document}")
  "temp.pdf")  # Save uploaded file temporarily
            self.loaded_document = file_input.filename
            self.chatbot_model = load_db("temp.pdf", "retrieval_type", 4)  # Load new document into the model
        return pn.pane.Markdown(f"Loaded Document: {self.loaded_document}")

Processing User Queries

The process_query method takes user input, sends it to the chatbot model for processing, and updates the UI with the chatbot's response and related document excerpts.

    def process_query(self, user_query):
        if not user_query:
            return pn.WidgetBox(pn.Row('User:', pn.pane.Markdown("", width=600)), scroll=True)
        result = self.chatbot_model({"question": user_query, "conversation_history": self.conversation_history})
        self.conversation_history.extend([(user_query, result["answer"])])
        self.database_query = result["generated_question"]
        self.database_response = result["source_documents"]
        self.current_answer = result['answer']
            pn.Row('User:', pn.pane.Markdown(user_query, width=600)),
            pn.Row('ChatBot:', pn.pane.Markdown(self.current_answer, width=600, style={'background-color': '#F6F6F6'}))
        input_field.value = ''  # Clear input field after processing
        return pn.WidgetBox(*self.interface_elements, scroll=True)

Displaying Database Queries and Responses

Methods display_last_database_query and display_database_responses show the last query made to the document database and the documents retrieved as responses, respectively.

    def display_last_database_query(self):
        if not self.database_query:
            return pn.Column(
                pn.Row(pn.pane.Markdown("Last database query:", style={'background-color': '#F6F6F6'})),
                pn.Row(pn.pane.Str("No database queries made so far"))
        return pn.Column(
            pn.Row(pn.pane.Markdown("Database query:", style={'background-color': '#F6F6F6'})),

    def display_database_responses(self):
        if not self.database_response:
        response_list = [pn.Row(pn.pane.Markdown("Result of database lookup:", style={'background-color': '#F6F6F6'}))]
        for doc in self.database_response:
        return pn

.WidgetBox(*response_list, width=600, scroll=True)

Clearing Conversation History

The clear_conversation_history method allows users to reset the conversation, removing all previously exchanged messages.

    def clear_conversation_history(self, count=0):
        self.conversation_history = []

Essential Imports and Chatbot Initialization

Start by importing the necessary modules from Panel and Param, and initialize the chatbot class which encapsulates all the logic for document loading, query processing, and interface interaction.

import panel as pn
import param

# Define the chatbot class with necessary functionalities
class ChatWithYourDataBot(param.Parameterized):
    # Initialize parameters for storing conversation history, answers, and document queries
    conversation_history = param.List([])
    latest_answer = param.String("")
    document_query = param.String("")
    document_response = param.List([])

    def __init__(self, **params):
        super(ChatWithYourDataBot, self).__init__(**params)
        # Placeholder for UI elements
        self.interface_elements = []
        # Default document path
        self.default_document_path = "docs/cs229_lectures/MachineLearning-Lecture01.pdf"
        # Initialize the chatbot model with a default document
        self.chatbot_model = load_db(self.default_document_path, "retrieval_mode", 4)

Configuring User Interface Components

Create the user interface components for document upload, database loading, history management, and query input. This setup includes file input for document upload, buttons for loading documents and clearing chat history, and a text input for user queries.

# UI components for document upload and interaction
document_upload = pn.widgets.FileInput(accept='.pdf')
load_database_button = pn.widgets.Button(name="Load Document", button_type='primary')
clear_history_button = pn.widgets.Button(name="Clear History", button_type='warning')
user_query_input = pn.widgets.TextInput(placeholder='Enter your question here…')

# Binding UI components to chatbot functionalities
load_document_action = pn.bind(ChatWithYourDataBot.load_document, load_database_button.param.clicks)
process_query = pn.bind(ChatWithYourDataBot.process_query, user_query_input)

Building the Conversation Interface

Construct the conversation interface where user queries and chatbot responses are displayed. This includes managing the conversation flow, displaying the latest document queries, and showing the sources of document-based answers.

# Image pane for visual representation
conversation_visual = pn.pane.Image('./img/conversation_flow.jpg')

# Organizing the conversation tab
conversation_tab = pn.Column(
    pn.panel(process_query, loading_indicator=True, height=300),

# Organizing additional information tabs (Database Queries, Source Documents, Chat History)
database_query_tab = pn.Column(

chat_history_tab = pn.Column(

configuration_tab = pn.Column(
    pn.Row(document_upload, load_database_button, load_document_action),
    pn.Row(clear_history_button, pn.pane.Markdown("Clears the conversation history for a new topic.")),

# Assembling the dashboard
chatbot_dashboard = pn.Column(
    pn.Row(pn.pane.Markdown('# ChatWithYourData_Bot')),
    pn.Tabs(('Conversation', conversation_tab), ('Database Queries', database_query_tab), ('Chat History', chat_history_tab), ('Configure', configuration_tab))


In this comprehensive chapter, we've explored the development of conversational chatbots with a focus on leveraging LangChain for dynamic question answering capabilities. The guide is tailored for ML Engineers, Data Scientists, Software Developers, and similar professionals aiming to build chatbots capable of contextual conversations and managing follow-up questions. Starting with an introduction to the transformative potential of conversational chatbots, we've covered essential steps from setting up the environment to implementing advanced retrieval techniques and incorporating chat history for nuanced interactions.

Key sections of the chapter include:

  • Setting Up the Environment: Highlighting the importance of preparing the development environment and configuring necessary environment variables for seamless chatbot development.
  • Loading Documents and Creating a Vector Store: Detailed instructions on loading documents, splitting them into manageable chunks, and converting these chunks into embeddings for semantic search capabilities.
  • Advanced Retrieval Techniques: Exploration of various retrieval methods like self-query, compression, and semantic search, emphasizing their integration into the chatbot framework for enhanced understanding and response accuracy.
  • Conversational Context and Memory: Insights into incorporating chat history into the chatbot's response generation process, including practical steps for setting up conversation buffer memory.
  • Building the Conversational Retrieval Chain: A step-by-step guide on constructing the core functionality of the chatbot by integrating the language model, retrieval system, and memory components.

Practical examples and code snippets accompany each section, ensuring readers can apply the concepts in real-world projects. Tips for optimizing performance, avoiding common pitfalls, and suggestions for further reading and external resources are provided to deepen understanding and encourage exploration.

By following the structured approach and best practices outlined in this chapter, readers will gain a solid foundation in building sophisticated conversational chatbots using LangChain, from foundational concepts to advanced methodologies. This guide aims to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to create engaging, context-aware chatbots that can significantly enhance user interaction and information retrieval processes.

Theory questions:

  1. What are the essential components needed to set up the environment for developing conversational chatbots using LangChain?
  2. How does incorporating chat history into the response generation process enhance a conversational chatbot's functionality?
  3. Describe the process of converting document chunks into embeddings and explain why this is crucial for building conversational chatbots.
  4. What are the advantages of using advanced retrieval techniques such as self-query, compression, and semantic search in conversational chatbots?
  5. Explain how the conversational retrieval chain integrates language models, retrieval systems, and memory to manage and respond to user queries.
  6. How does the ConversationBufferMemory class facilitate maintaining context over the course of a conversation in chatbots?
  7. Detail the steps involved in setting up a vector store for semantic search capabilities within LangChain.
  8. Why is environment variable and API key management important in the development of conversational chatbots?
  9. Discuss the modular nature of LangChain’s retrieval methods and how they contribute to the flexibility of chatbot development.
  10. Explain the significance of selecting the appropriate language model version for building a conversational chatbot.

Practice questions:

  1. Creating and Populating a Vector Store: Develop a function named create_vector_store that takes a list of documents (strings) as input, converts each document into embeddings using a placeholder embedding function, and stores these embeddings in a simple in-memory structure. The function should then return this structure. Assume the embedding function is already implemented and can be called as embed_document(document_text).

  2. Advanced Retrieval with Semantic Search: Implement a function called perform_semantic_search that takes two arguments: a query string and a vector store (as created in task 2). This function should compute the embedding of the query, perform a semantic search to find the most similar document in the vector store, and return the index of that document. For simplicity, use a placeholder function calculate_similarity(query_embedding, document_embedding) that returns a similarity score between the query and each document.

  3. Incorporating Chat History into Response Generation: Write a Python class Chatbot with a method respond_to_query that takes a user's query as input and returns a response. The class should maintain a history of past queries and responses as context for generating future responses. The response generation can be simulated with a placeholder function generate_response(query, context) where context is a list of past queries and responses.

  4. Building a Conversational Retrieval Chain: Define a function setup_conversational_retrieval_chain that initializes a mock retrieval chain for a chatbot. This chain should incorporate a language model, a document retriever, and a conversation memory system. For this task, use placeholder functions or classes LanguageModel(), DocumentRetriever(), and ConversationMemory(), and demonstrate how they would be integrated into a single retrieval chain object.

  5. Setting Up Memory for Conversation History: Extend the Chatbot class from task 4 to include a method for adding new entries to the conversation history and another method for resetting the conversation history. Ensure that the chatbot's response generation takes into account the entire conversation history.

  6. Document-Based Q&A System: Create a simplified script for a document-based Q&A system. The script should load a document (as a string), split it into manageable chunks, create embeddings for each chunk, and store these in a vector store. It should then accept a question, perform semantic search to find the most relevant chunk, and simulate generating an answer based on this chunk. Use placeholder functions for embedding and answer generation.

  7. Conversational Retrieval Chain with Memory Integration: Implement a function integrate_memory_with_retrieval_chain that takes a conversational retrieval chain (as described in task 5) and integrates it with a conversation memory system (as extended in task 6). This function should demonstrate how the retrieval chain uses the conversation memory to maintain context across interactions.

  8. User Interface for Chatbot Interaction: Develop a simple command-line interface (CLI) for interacting with the Chatbot class from task 6. The CLI should allow users to input queries and display the chatbot's responses. Include options for users to view the conversation history and reset it.